
Training of Trainers (ToT)

The second component of the program – Training of Trainers (ToT) – follows the 6-week leadership course. This component includes a one-day in-person session offered by REPAIR’s teaching team for those leaders who have been selected to train rank-and-file officers. ToT also includes the receipt of AIPG's ongoing support and specialized training materials to facilitate the design and implementation of a customizable curriculum to be offered internally to rank-and-file officers.    

Each one-day intensive session of the Training of Trainers allows for up to 25 leaders who have successfully completed the initial 6-week REPAIR course to work with the teaching team to acquire the necessary knowledge and resources, including a Training Manual, to design a comprehensive 8-hour curriculum for rank-and-file officers. The ToT program itself will cover the outline of the in-person course for rank-and-file officers, best practices of pedagogical engagement, customization of materials specific to a department's history and structure, and provide a package of other tools and resources. 

The leaders who complete the 1-day ToT session will then be able to train their rank-and-file officers using this newly-designed 8-hour curriculum to detect relevant risk factors for civil and human rights abuses, identify appropriate response tools to promote and protect those rights, and recognize the best practices to foster resilience in targeted communities.

The 8-hour curriculum will cover: 

  1. Social Identity and Deeply Divided Societies
  2. Unpacking Implicit Bias in Policing
  3. History of Policing in the US
  4. Citizen Review Boards and Police Reform
  5. Becoming Evil: The Psychology of How Ordinary People Commit Atrocities
  6. Policing in Traumatized Communities

Additionally, and in collaboration with the REPAIR teaching team, departments will identify challenges and issues in the communities where they work in order to customize their training curriculum.

During the design and initial implementation of the 8-hour curriculum for rank-and-file officers, the REPAIR teaching team will provide ongoing support directly to department instructors over the course of this training. This support will include the provision of training materials and expert consultations in order to  answer questions and troubleshoot pedagogical challenges encountered by trainers, provide supplementary educational materials, and continue to facilitate the customization of the REPAIR curriculum to local contexts. After this initial training period for rank-and-file officers, REPAIR course contents and support for department instructors will be provided through a further negotiated agreement.

Agendas of the Global Raphael Lemkin Seminar for Genocide Prevention



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